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The Original Logo

This was a little difficult to track down. No vector versions seemed to be available on the web so we live-traced one in Adobe Illustrator. You can download it after the jump.


9 Responses to “The Original Logo”

  1. Color Blind | The Art of Obama Says:

    […] if even you’re not colorblind, there’s still hope.” No matter what happens, the Obama logo will remain a magnificent example of graphic […]

  2. logo shirt Says:

    logo shirt…

    Good post. I am looking into these issues on my blog….

  3. On The Bandwagon? | The Art of Obama Says:

    […] a few people have been talking lately about how much to new Pepsi logo looks like the Obama log0. I honestly didn’t give it much though until stumbling across this photo in jsmjr’s […]

  4. john Says:

    I was trying to have something printed for an art installation with the obama logo in the design. its not something sellable but the printer told me their lawyer said it was a bad idea so they refused to do the job. i thought this logo was made available by the obama campaign for noncommercial use. if so does anyone know where i can find that in writing?

  5. admin Says:

    This logo was designed by Chicago-based Sender LLC on assignment from Chicago-based design company mo/de.

    You can see the other, original logo options here:

    As for use, there is some very small fine-print on the bottom of the official download page: “By downloading the Obama for America (“OFA”) logo from this site, you agree that you will use the logo only for your personal, non-commercial use. You cannot market, promote, sell, or exchange anything that bears this logo. To avoid having to register with the FEC, you should limit your printed flyers, posters, or other materials for any event to 500 or fewer.”

  6. Lynette Jackson Says:

    I have a question… I am a quilter and am creating a quilt that features the logo. It is my ultimate hope that the quilt will be published in a book. Will this conflict with the rules?

  7. Clintidote Says:

    Thank you! This will work beautifully as the “O” in my “Hoax and Chains” designs.

  8. Anonymous Says:

    Too sloppy to be the original. :(
    Can’t stop myself from fixing it up! :)

  9. Buck Says:

    All that is missing is the hammer and sickle in the middle. I’ll correct this for you, ok?

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